My arms are empty and acheing...

I can’t believe I’m a mother without…

Life has been twisted and turned upside down. As a mother, I had both the wonderful privilege of holding my sweet son as I brought him into this world…and the horrible chore of holding him as he took his last breaths and left this world, at only 7 years old. June 24, 2010 he earned his angel wings, passing away after an inspiring but brief fight against Cystic Fibrosis. Now I live, solely focusing on living a life to get to be with him again in heaven, and to raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis research. I am dedicated to a cure, not only for my sweet sons legacy but so that other CF families never experience the greatest loss of their lives that we are now facing. My mother’s arms are missing Connerman, yet he still inspires me daily to leave a mark of LOVE on this world…so for you my sweet prince, mommy will try!

Love Love Love

Always Always Always

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Extra prayers for Conner

Conner is getting so excited for next Monday....thru Saturday actually! It is his Make a Wish trip to the Big Island of Hawaii for 6 wonderful days where he will get to ride on a helicopter to tour the island so he can see real lava and volcano's and to go on a whale watching trip since he loves whales. We are getting excited with anticipation as well. Conner's make a wish send off dinner is this Tuesday evening at his favorite restaurant, Izzy's (HA!) where his wish fairies give him his plane tickets, spending money, and itenerary. This is his most heartfelt wish and I'm forever thankful that Make A Wish was there to help us get Conner his wish a reality...

However...he's been on home IV's a week now, we planned to start them to make sure he's in the best health possible before we left on his trip, but he wound up needing them anyway, so it was kinda perfect that he started them when he did. But over the weekend he has gotten worse. Thick, nasty cough that we've grown so accustomed to has come back to test us. His oxygen has plummeted to around 86-89% so he's been requiring oxygen most of the day now as well as when he sleeps. He even spiked a fever on Friday night. This same thing happened just a few weeks ago and it put us back in the hospital just before Christmas. The timing couldn't be worse since his hawaii trip is in 7 days...
I will be calling CF clinic tomorrow, maybe take him in to see them or see about also getting a home oral antibiotic to help him fight this new infection so we can make it on our big trip. Of course make a wish always told us the wish can be rescheduled, but I don't know how far in advance it'd have to be changed, and also...I don't want CF to win. Seriously, it is taking my son's health, our families peace, our son's childhood, and now it wants to take Conners biggest wish away too!!! unreal!!!
Please keep him close in prayer, that he can beat this infection and make it on his big trip.

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Did You Know....

There are over 100,000 people, the size of a small city, on the transplant list in the US.

There were less than 10,000 deceased organ donors in the US last year. (that's a ratio of 1 organ donor to every 10 transplant patients).

In the time it takes you to shower today, 1 new name is added to the US transplant waiting list.

From the time you woke up this morning to the time you wake up tomorrow morning, 18 people will die waiting for their transplant in the US.

click here to join the organ donation registry